Summertime Freshness


The Brenda Swimsuit is brand new by Hilly Haalan and available now at the Sense Event!
Hud controlled with 20 textures and made for Belleza, EBody, Maitreya, Slink and TMP mesh bodies.
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The Danda Hair (right) is brand new by Letituier.

It is 100% original rigged mesh.
Choose your favorite from six texture packs or get the fatpack!
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New by JUMO are the Marni Sunglasses.
These are hud-controlled with 10 textures each for frames and lenses!
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Summertime Freshness is a new gacha set by The Owl. There are eight pose/prop combinations to win. Try your luck to win them all! (gacha key at the end of this post)
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The Waikiki Bar by Your Dreams includes the swings with animations surfboards, oar and bar.

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Brenda Swimsuit by Hilly Haalan (currently at the Sense Event)

Hair (right): Danda Hair by Letituier (currently at the Sense Event)
Hair (left): Kaijah by Truth
Mami Sunglasses by JUMO (currently at the Sense Event)

Maitreya Lara Mesh Body, Hands & Feet ⚜ LeLutka Simone Head

Photography Information
Decor: Waikiki Bar by Your Dreams (currently at the Sense Event)
Pose: (gacha) Summertime Freshness 5 by The Owl (currently at the Sense Event)
Photography by Rissa Bolissima

Hilly Haalan
In-World ⚜ Marketplace ⚜ Flickr ⚜ Facebook

In-World ⚜ Marketplace ⚜ Flickr

The Owl
In-World ⚜ Marketplace ⚜ Flickr

In-World ⚜ Marketplace ⚜ Flickr ⚜ Facebook

Your Dreams
Sense Event
Runs 18th – 8th each month
In-World ⚜ Website ⚜ Flickr ⚜ Facebook